Employment Work Archive

South African Employers – Beware of The Interview Process When Hiring

Beware of the Interview Process When HiringThe South African labour market is as competitive as ever, with a slower economy and a wave of new graduates seeking work throughout the country. Employers are faced with hundreds of CV’s every time they place an advert. Unfortunately for employers, certain job seekers are not as straightforward as they should be when compiling their CVs – here are several real examples of questionable CVs which were received during the past year:• A CV was sent with a covering letter addressed to another company for a different job advert.• The CV was updated on the same day the applicant was suing his ex-boss at the Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA). The applicant sent his CV to the CCMA and his CCMA forms to his prospective employer!• An applicant used a friend’s CV, but kept the original person’s photo on the document. The CV also stated two different names for one applicant.• In many cases, applicants are not qualified for the position, but persist in sending applications and CVs.Though these incidents may seem ridiculous, they are based on true experiences.What should be worrying for employers is the fact that applicants are prepared to falsify their CVs and apply for positions which they are unqualified for.Recently South Africans read in the press of a senior government official who was appointed without anyone discovering that he did not have the Masters or the Doctorate he mentioned in his CV. The Durban Municipality discovered that 20% of their traffic officers did not have legal driving licences.Protecting Yourself as an EmployerEmployers should double check all qualifications and work experience listed on an applicant’s CV. Recognized universities and colleges will be happy to verify qualifications, which past work experience should be carefully examined to make sure that the companies listed are legitimate and that the applicant has stated his or her previous position accurately.With millions of refugees applying for jobs with qualifications in non English languages, it is sometimes difficult to work out what dependence one should place on a Certificate. In such cases insist that the prospective employee has the South African Qualifications Authority verify and grade the qualification.If you are in any doubt about a candidate, you may ask him or her to fill in an assessment test after the job interview. You may also take on a member of staff on probation to ensure that he or she has the necessary skills to do the job.We remember the recent case in which Woolworths appointed a new staff member who announced that she was pregnant on her second day of work and demanded six months paid leave.By applying probation rules, an employer can provide an added layer of protection should they appoint a problem worker.